The name "indigo Child" refers to the soul color of Indigo, which indicates a Master Soul who serves as a teacher or healer. Every Indigo Child will undertake this mission of teaching or healing in some way, often merely by being who he or she is.
Indigos have been coming to our planet for a long time.
Some argue that Jesus and Buddha were Indigos, since their mission, on a global scale, was to teach and heal, and to shift the consciousness of humanity.

In the recent past, Indigos began to incarnate on the planet in increasing numbers after World War II, in preparation for the global shift that we are now experiencing.
They incarnated among the "baby boom" generation of the fifties and were born to the "flower children" of the sixties. However, at this stage there was not a sufficient number of them on the planet to create significant changes.
Then, in the 1970s, the first generational "wave" of Indigo Children arrived. These beings are now in their late twenties and early thirties, and are the real "warrior" generation who have begun the process of challenging and shifting old systems.
They were followed in the eighties and nineties by Indigos of increasing sensitivity and refinement, until the late 1990s and early 2000s when they were joined by the Crystal Children, a different kind of spiritual warrior.
Recognizing an Indigo
The obvious answer would be to check the aura color.
But no, not all Indigos have dark blue auras all the time.
The term "Indigo" refers to a soul state and not to an aura color, which in the average human changes from day to day depending on mood and interest. Clairvoyants who read soul states may be able to identify Indigos.
However, it is easy to identify an Indigo by their sensitivity, creativity, spirituality and general behavioral patterns.
As children, they look much like other children, although they are often physically beautiful with penetrating eyes.
They are always highly intelligent and full of questions and demands.
They are energetic and active and have strong wills and a strong sense of their own value and importance.
They know that they are special and that they are here to do something significant.
- They are right-brain oriented, and are generally attracted to right-brain pursuits such as music, art, writing and spirituality. They love crystals and reiki and meditation and yoga.
- They are very passionate and intensely loyal to their friends, of whom they often have many. They believe in honesty and communication in relationships. They are often baffled by dishonesty and manipulation and other forms of selfish behavior deemed normal by their elders.
- Their attitude towards money is either to reject it as unnecessary or to be very aware of its power and to seek, often successfully, to create affluence for themselves.
- A key feature of Indigos is often anger. They will not be ordered around by so-called "authority figures".
- On a deep level, Indigos do not recognize "authority". They know we are all equal, and so they are enraged by those who assume authority and behave dictatorially, whether they are parents, teachers or bosses.
- This is where they are important as teachers - they are teaching us to own our own power and to respect ourselves, by not giving away our power to those who demand it.
- They are teaching us further to value our creative and spiritual selves and not to place so much value on material success.
The Indigo Child
The Indigo as child is active, energetic and imaginative. They can entertain themselves and play in their own worlds for hours. They often have imaginary friends, and they love fairies and dolphins.
The boys often have more of a tendency towards hyperactive and disruptive behavior. This is probably culturally determined by our society's need to express male dominance, which is picked up by them at an early stage.
The exceptional intelligence of Indigos can be exasperating to adults. They will not be "told what to do", but will want to debate and negotiate every instruction. Until the parent learns that they are being taught to respect the child's right to choice, and honor that choice, they will continue to be confronted at every turn with power struggles and battles of will.
The correct way to handle an Indigo is to be willing to,
negotiate explain offer choices
Bald instructions to "do as you are told" will only produce hostility or indifference.
Indigos often dislike school intensely. They are bored by the (to them) slow pace and repetitive tasks deemed suitable for children by teachers who do not understand their intelligence.
They battle with authority and peer pressure, which can be quite overwhelming to a young Indigo soul with little real understanding of the "power over others", dominance and submission states common to Earth society.
Problems experienced at school include ADD and ADHT, a result of boredom and irritation. Learning disabilities such as dyslexia often also reflect alternative ways of being and thinking used by Indigos.
The Indigo Adolescent
Like most adolescents, the Indigo will reach the state of puberty transition and become moody and inward as the body changes. However, at this stage, young Indigos often begin to see through the intense materialism and the victim dramas that form the basis of most adults lives in the modern world.
At this point they often "disconnect" from these lifestyles and opt for "alternatives" which they deem more meaningful or more fun or just plain challenging to adults.
Unfortunately, many of these include the drug culture and various trance parties that include chemically induced states of bliss that are short-lived and addictive.
At this point, the adolescent is expressing his or her anger and rejection of a system that offers nothing of value to the Indigo soul. Parents can take their children to Rehabilitation programs, but they really need to question why such intelligent and creative beings often seem to want to self-destruct.

Another form of self-destructive adolescent behavior occurs when the child takes on the values of the parents and seeks to overachieve. This can be frightening, as Indigos are by nature exceptionally gifted and talented.
These Indigos often develop phenomenal academic and technical abilities to gain recognition and success, but sacrifice emotional development which can be hugely damaging in later life when they seek to create meaningful partnerships.
The Young Indigo Adult
In their twenties and early thirties, Indigos usually fall into one of two groups.
The first group follows a "yuppie" path and creates affluence, usually through a career in IT or the Arts. They seek stable relationships and to have children and create families. But they battle with the demands and norms of the systems of marriage, family and employment. Their Indigo souls strive to express their essence and remain true to who they are while still achieving "success" as dictated by our culture.
The second group opts to "drop out", and often the individuals travel extensively, becoming a "global citizen" and battling to settle in any one place. These people often have no fixed career or work, and live an alternative lifestyle that includes drugs. While they often claim to be happy, they are also frustrated by their inability to be able economically to pursue the "normal" activities of creating a family and contributing to a community.

Both groups are attempting to redefine what it means to be an adult in the contemporary world, and to find ways of living their truth while still finding happiness and stability as adults.
They are the generation that is defining new choices and new options for adult life on the New Earth.
Indigos and the Education System
The area of community life where Indigos have had the most effect is the education system. As mentioned earlier, Indigos are mostly right-brainers who are energetic and active. They dislike sitting still for long periods, being told what to do and being bored by repetitive tasks that fail to challenge them. Since this generally defines the school experience, it is obvious that Indigos will have problems and will cause problems.
The right-brain orientation means many indigos struggle to maintain interest and focus in a school curriculum designed for left-brain activity. Their need to express their energy in movement and to relieve their boredom means they are restless and can be disruptive. When they begin to fall behind their peers, they can become stressed and anxious.
The usual diagnoses given to Indigos are
ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)
ADHT (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder),
OCPD[Obsessive–compulsive personality disorder ]{##}........
which are regarded as "minimal brain dysfunction" disorders by medicine.
The parent needs to choose between defining their child with a pathological label, or accepting that the child represents the next step in human evolution, and neither needs nor wants to spend 6 or 7 hours a day sitting behind a desk being told what to think.

ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)
ADHT (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder),
OCPD[Obsessive–compulsive personality disorder ]{##}........
which are regarded as "minimal brain dysfunction" disorders by medicine.
The parent needs to choose between defining their child with a pathological label, or accepting that the child represents the next step in human evolution, and neither needs nor wants to spend 6 or 7 hours a day sitting behind a desk being told what to think.
Lets face it - the school system is dated and dysfunctional. Schools were originally designed to educate the children of the upper classes, who had the wealth and time to devote to mental pursuits as a sign of their superiority. Gradually, in the 19th and early 20th century, education became universal.
But what does the school system really do?
Most Indigo's agree that what is taught in school is rarely relevant to real life. It confines them to mental or "head" experience, and most Indigo's want real life experience to be their teacher.
In addition, sitting behind a school desk for 6 hours a day is seen as no more than training to sit behind and office desk for 8 hours a day or more, and most Indigos have no interest in that life path.
Modern school classes in South Africa usually consist of 30 or so children and one teacher. The system functions because the children agree to be controlled by the teacher. However, as more and more Indigo's say no, the system begins to falter.
Perhaps indigos are teaching us that there are better ways to learn. Perhaps, beyond a few hours a day of basic literacy and numeracy, the child of the future will choose projects to be pursued in the community under supervision of parents or teachers. These could be "real life" oriented, and be of benefit to both the learner and the community.
Meanwhile, more and more Indigo's are saying no to formal school education.
##OCPD[Obsessive–compulsive personality disorder ] is a personality disorder characterized by a general pattern of concern with orderliness, perfectionism, excessive attention to details, mental and interpersonal control, and a need for control over one's environment, at the expense of flexibility, openness to experience, and efficiency. Workaholism and miserliness are also seen often in those with this personality disorder. Rituals are performed to the point of excluding leisure activities and friendships. Persons affected with this disorder may find it hard to relax, always feeling that time is running out for their activities, and that more effort is needed to achieve their goals. They may plan their activities down to the minute—a manifestation of the compulsive tendency to keep control over their environment and to dislike unpredictable things as things they cannot control.....
Their Inner Self
You may ask yourself...certain questions if you are an IndigoNow,let me ask you something......
Have you been feeling extremely lonely and empty to the core lately… the brink of tears or apathy? Have you had old fears you thought were dead and buried come back to haunt you and run-a-muck to the point of obsession? Have you had bad dreams that tie you to “old romances or relationships” and “stuff” that you thought had been previously handled?
Do you feel that if you don’t have a “quality relationship” in your life, you might as well be dead because that emptiness makes you feel dead inside already? Do you find yourself standing in front of the open refrigerator looking for something that “Looks Good” but nothing seems to “hit the spot” when you eat?
These are symptoms that many, many First Wave Indigos (FW) are having and it seems to have been amped up lately. This feeling of sadness and desperation to find a “Soul Mate” is almost getting out of control and you need to know that others are feeling it too… is NOT just YOU!!
Statistically, the majority of First Wave Indigos are currently ‘single.’
{Which is absolutely true for myself}
Out of the ones that are married or in a relationship, only about 6% are in happy, stable, and supportive partnerships.
The others are in hideous relationships with spider/snake/cat ladies or male tyrants that are making their life a living Hell and they wish they were single and free!
This is NOT the way it should be and …..if we have anything to do about it… is not the way it WILL BE in the near future.
CERTAIN FACTS About Their Specifications & Mission
Since UV-Realm Indigos are “wired differently” …it is very important for you to understand that intimate relationships can only be truly fulfilling if you are with another Indigo, and also one that that is on the same “wavelength” that you are. If you aren’t, and if you “sell out” and get together intimately with an “Earth Person” or someone who is convenient just to stop the loneliness…..this can be very destructive to both parties.
First of all you will NOT get what you need out of the interaction and chances are you will be the unlucky recipient of some kind of Kundalini
dumping…..a process that happens when someone knowingly or unintentionally, dumps their psychic debris/poisons/fears and stresses on their partner during intimacy. This can take hours, days, weeks or even months &; years to clear, especially if you don’t have a clue what happened and how to fix it.
What Indigos are REALLY looking for is mutual respect/honor and energetic exchange that comes through high level Tantra, the art of conscious loving. Through Tantra you and your partner can move to elevated states of awareness/consciousness and truly “know thyself” in ways that nothing else can touch. It is one of the hidden keys in my book “Kryahgenetics: The Simple Secrets of Human Alchemy.
” Tantra is truly the bridge to higher consciousness, and that is precisely why organized religion has tried to make all sorts of rules and taboos to regulate it. They have deliberately created so much guilt and lies about sexuality to guarantee that you will not be free to explore and express your True Nature, the authentic God or Goddess within!
If you never know the God/Goddess with in, you will always be looking on the outside of yourself to find “God.” This way, “they” have control because you believe they have the roadmap and an “In” with God. They set themselves up as a mediator to Source…and you would NEVER want to cut off your link to “Source” …..Therefore, they “OWN YOU!”
First Wave Indigos,
in their heart of hearts, know this to be true, and long for a “soul mate” …one they love and trust to explore “the God/Goddess within” and become “one” with their partner. Magick happens when two people become one … heart….one soul…and if you know how to command and conduct orgone energy,
(the power of the Orgasm…..the power of life itself) you can change your reality and the matrix of the entire hologram! Orgone energy laced with Divine Love is THE MOST POWERFUL ENERGY/FORCE IN THE UNIVERSE! It is the power to create ANYTHING and also can be used for destruction!
The Powers That Been known like this, and is one of the main reasons you have been kept so isolated and so disconnected from those from the Realm that you love.
If your “soul mates” from the Realm came into your life, and you started practicing Creation and Re-Creation through Tantra…..this world would be entirely a different movie!
As The Indigo's then would change the social structure, extinguish the tyrants,
and bring balance, peace and life force back to the earth and
let Justice and Karma reign once more.
Then they would head off to the cosmic Bahamas for some R&R again
before going back to the Realm for the next assignment.
What REALLY is the fact to be done,is to Manage Some time for your own meditation and research,& connecting with other FW-Indigos, and not letting the energies consume you…no matter who, what or where they are coming from!
I have found wrt my real experience
that connecting to the spirit guides and guardians from the Realm has been extremely beneficial and it has indeed helped me through some of these tremendously lonely times.
Also, this is extremely important to utilise this“solitude time” to get
“cleaned-up and cleared-up” as much as you can.....
if you have been in a situation “Totally messed-up”.
Understand that Indigo's are also very much aware of the different agendas that are in motion on a cosmic scale right now and why FW-Indigos are so intertwined in it all.
The only Reason ALL THE INDIGO'S are this World is to bring
Honor, Truth, Love, Passion, and Prosperity to us all.
Repost if you like it!!! Remember Friends "Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us."